Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Wine and Canvas

I LOVE creating things.  It gives me such a high.  Last year for my birthday, my sister purchased tickets to a wine and canvas event.  I hadn't heard of it before, but was excited to do something creative with her.  It's really a genius idea.   A local artist teaches you step by step how to paint a picture as you eat food and drink wine at a great restaurant.  I've actually done this twice now.  If I had more free wall space, I'd do it more often!

Here's the deal: you go to their website, select a painting that you want to paint, go to the hosting restaurant, order some food and wine, sit down at your station, take instruction from the artist, and paint an awesome picture!  They have all of the supplies - canvas, paint, brushes, water.  It's $35 and takes about 3 hours.

Here are the two pictures I painted:

Check out their website at http://www.wineandcanvas.com/minneapolis-mn/16-minneapolis-mn/112-home.html and sign up for a picture.  The calendar/painting selection is updated once a month on the 20th of the month.  Spots fill up quickly so get on the ball to schedule the event.  This is such an excellent outing with friends, coworkers, family, or a date!  No talent is necessary because the artist breaks it down step by step, stroke by stroke.  They tell you which brush size to use, which color to use, and walk around and give one on one instruction as well.  The finished product usually turns out great and it's so rewarding to have painted something worthy of hanging on your wall! 

They also have cookies and canvas for kids!

Tip:  Don't over think or overwork your painting.  Just go and have fun and trust your brush strokes.  Remember, you are going step by step so it really doesn't come together until the very end. 

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